Who’s News February
The Club web site at www.melbsportsbike.net.au accumulated 810 hits during February, up 103 on last month. Total visits are 58,320 since April 1996. The counters on the other pages after another month indicate that the Calendar page took 696 hits (total 8575 since 28th October 2008) and Great Roads 133 hits (total 2607).
Seen at the General Meeting, Tower Hotel on
Thursday 4th February:
Julie and
The Club Participant of the Year is based on aggregate points accumulated at 1 point per ride, an extra point for leading or being rear rider, and 1 point per magazine article (maximum 2 per magazine). Attending one or more days of a weekend event scores 3 points for leading, 3 for rear riding duties and 2 points for participating.
The count is for the 2009/10 year ending
the ride before the 2010 AGM in July. After eight months, the top ten count is
Crashes: It has been an extraordinary month for accidents and the magazine cover reflects the dangerous nature of our favourite pursuit. Let this be a gentle reminder to all that there can be dramatic consequences of small mistakes or lack of attention, and there is a ripple effect across the Club, our family and friends, and ultimately across the wider community. The police asked awkward questions and took photographs, and there will be consequences. We all pay increased insurance premiums. Luckily no-one has life threatening injuries and all injured riders are expected to make a full recovery. See later statistics sheet for more raw data and some analysis.
Cover: clockwise from bottom left (1) Danny Hawker’s accident scene; (2)
Rod Merrett’s accident scene, Cindy Lee, Willen
Vandeveld, Rob Langer, Misho and Pina and Rod’s BM on its side; (3) Rodney
Williams and Rob Langer at Thompson Dam; (4) Cindy Lee’s accident scene; (5)
group photo at Misho’s crash site, Rob, Pina, Miso, Damien Jones, Pierre Ong,
Brien Armstrong,
Welcome to new members Angela and
Jason Wilson. Jason rides a very well preserved, almost ageless green ZX9.
He has been on three hard rides over the January February period including
Licola and Noojee (25 bikes) and joined at the
earliest opportunity. We wish him many happy and safe rides.
Welcome to new member Pierre Ong
who rides the very attractively clad red and white Ducati 1098. He wears
brightly covered orange leathers to match and stands out in photos against all
the uniform black. He rides the Duke well and enjoys riding with the group. We
also wish him many safe rides.
Membership now stands at 81. Official kilometres for
the month: 1190.
Email from Ern Reeders, The UK mag Bike says of the new BMW S1000RR: In two years time all Japanese sportsbikes will be like this. ... [It] is mind-bendingly sensational. For a first go at a sportsbike, it's not merely a good try - BM have gone straight to the top of the class. On a more mundane level, BM are also going to produce a transverse inline six!
have a no-fault insurance scheme for stacks on public roads called the TAC. So if
you have a stack and are injured, don't just bite your lip and live with it. With
the TAC you have a 12 month window to lodge a claim – which will cover medical
costs and lots more. Outside that there's a 3 year window to take civil action
to recover costs and get compensation for loss of earnings etc. In that
case, I would recommend http://www.mauriceblackburn.com.au/ No connection.
Please note, if you are having problems with the Club Google Group emails, contact me at ern@reeders.net and include the email address at which you're receiving mail-outs. I'd encourage you all to get a Google account and add some personal details to your entry in the list.
Ern Reeders to Google Group 7/2 re insurance: My insurer has been great. FamousBike, underwritten by Callinden. http://www.famousinsurance.com.au/page/your-bike/motorcycle-insurance They chased up the other guy and his insurer; who admitted liability so I don't have to pay the excess. Woot! They've kept me posted by phone at every stage and their payments have been prompt.
Email from Rodney Williams, visiting English tourist who attended one of our rides and crashed: Since you have asked for some observations from an outsider, I will offer a few notes:
With the number of riders you have on your rides maybe there should be two groups with their own leader and have a seeding system of experienced and faster riders in one group and less experienced, newer riders in another, kept separate. The second group of riders are not permitted to pass their group leader. This will reduce the number of overtaking manoeuvres by the more experienced and faster riders after the corner marking. Also, this will reduce the peer pressure on the less experienced riders to keep up with faster and more fluid riders.
Another observation is about the length of the rides, currently 300 to 400 kms. To maintain a high level of concentration required for the type of rides we like to do i.e good sweeping corners, switch back corners, tight down and uphill corners and good straights, all take a toll over a period of time. So maybe longer breaks, especially before the afternoon ride back. Participants should only eat light snacks as heavy meals tend to create tiredness.
The final observation is word association. Do not mention crashes or talk about them before a ride. It was all the topic before the ride on the 21st. Talk about riding techniques, corner lines, smooth approaches, correct gear and rear observation and general safe and smooth riding. As an example, I play golf and if I want to gain an unsporting advantage against an opponent I can, on reaching an, "Out of Bounds" on the golf course, I mention to my opponent, "Oh its ‘Out of bounds’ on the left or right" and invariably the player will starting thinking about the hazard and hit the ball Out of Bounds.
The 2009 MSR DVDs cost $10 payable to the Club bank account details as per web site, bottom left home page – click “here”. If you want a high resolution photo, say to print, we can provide that as well. If you want one of your photos included in the 2010 DVD, currently underway (including 2009/10 Xmas Camp!) then send it to Peter or I for consideration. Of course, we reserve the right to reject a photo (under the Editor’s job description), typically on the grounds of quality.
Both the January and February 2010 magazine articles are now up on the web. Thanks to all the contributors. This month’s mag is 22 pages deep with lots of articles, often multiple write-ups of the same ride – fantastic to get a different perspective.
Special thanks to Barb Peters and Julie Johnston who looked after the team particularly well on the Jindabyne weekend away. It was an oversight not to mention their good works in last month’s magazine, though it was noted at the General Meeting. Barb took up various people’s gear allowing them to ride without luggage; she cooked breakfast (bacon, eggs, tomato) for the three days and made a trifle for desert on the second night. Julie tireless did the washing up – pretty full on after two nights of BBQs – and generally helped out wherever possible.
I am sure Julie and Barb are not seeking our thanks but it is important to recognise unsolicited support. Efforts such as these make weekends away such a joy for all concerned, allowing us to concentrate/focus on the serious business of riding. Thanks very much.
Responding to the Google Group. We need to be careful not to instinctively respond to the group if our mail is intended only for the original sender. It is an easy trap to fall into and I am as guilty as anyone – twice recently. We don’t want to bury the group with useless, inappropriate, irrelevant correspondence. And we might say something not intended for the wider group that could be embarrassing. Hence, to reply to me personally, forward email to ben@unimelb.edu.au
Who’s Bruised?
Update: Danny Hawker (ZX10) crashed 28th Feb and broke every rear rib on his left side bar one; broken collar bone, lungs needed to be reinflated. Suspected fractured eye socket turned out to be bruising only. A week in The Alfred followed by a few days in Bethesda Rehab and now home.
Update: Cindy Lee (VTR250) crashed 21st
Feb. 6 km north of
Also 21st Feb, Rob Merrett (R1100S) crashed coming into Pyalong, suspect centre stand dug in levering front wheel off ground. “Minor cosmetic. Rider walked away. Left him to organise trailer.
Email from Billy Simpson: The Gixxer was a total loss after last weekend’s off. I'm now waiting to hear from the insurance company about the pay-out details. Not sure what sort of bike I will get to replace it. I still love the sports bikes but I’m thinking I might try something a little different (but still sportyish). Maybe a 1250s Bandit. Still sporty but with a bit more comfort and nice to tour on. Still have not made up my mind. There are plenty of nice Gixxers around second hand and I’m a bit of a wrap for the 750 variety! So as you can see, it’s confusing.
While speaking to the insurance company I asked them if
Councils could be held accountable for poor roads. The basic answer is no. It’s
some sort of indemnity that they have
Hope to catch up again when I’m back on the road! I enjoy riding with MSR. The fact I crashed is a little embarrassing but I really didn’t think I was going all that hard into that corner to be honest. But as they say, sh#t happens.
Email from Ern Reeders, My humble 'blade is back
home after repairs. Many thanks to Ben for the
delivery. A very nice job the mechanics
did on it too C&C
Motorcycle Engineering in Thomastown. New
tank and instead of a vinyl tank pad they fitted a genuine carbon fibre pad
made in
She was out in the rain for a day or two and the chain side plates have rusted a bit. Will have to give some thought to a one-handed method of cleaning them up. Or maybe just paint on some rust converter. Maybe a month or so of more rehab before she can be ridden though. With luck the Kwires will come out next week. Meantime, a specialist hand physio has fitted a spiffy perforated thermoplastic splint that can be removed from time to time to massage some life back into the hand and forearm.
The TAC have been great too. Covered the two nights motel accommodation involved and a modest km rate for my partner to get down to Bairnsdale and then ship me to Traralgon and then home.
And last but not least, thanks to Ha Du for her kindness in calling last week to see how the paw was recovering.
Ern Reeders:
10/2 Kwires came out this morning. The surgeon
proposed adding me to the theatre list for it but having been informed by YouTube (is there anything it doesn't cover?!) I went
for the do-it-now option in the consulting room. No pain, no
grinding, less than a minute's work.
Downside is there's been some collapse in the knitting together and the alignment of forearm and hand is less than ideal. Choices are to have a 3rd op to fit a second plate, and there are some significant risks there, or leave it, with risks of loss of flexion, carpal bone problems and arthritis down the track.
I'll get further opinions but with an already compromised thumb joint further surgery might just amount to reco'ing a head while leaving the rings and little ends alone.
68. Time for making claim under Part 3
(1) A person-
(a) who is injured; or (b) who is a dependant or a surviving partner of a person who dies-as a result of a transport accident to which Part 3 applies may make a claim for compensation under that Part within one year-
(c) after the accident or death; or
(d) in the case of injury, if no injury manifested itself at the time of the transport accident, after any injury first manifests itself.
(2) If the Commission considers there are reasonable grounds for a delay in making a claim in accordance with subsection (1), the Commission may accept a claim for compensation under Part 3 at such later time before the expiration of three years after the transport accident or death or after the injury first manifested itself, as the Commission approves.
(3) Despite subsection (1) but subject to subsection (2), if-
(a) a person who is injured as a result of a transport accident to which Part 3 applies was not 18 years of age at the time of the transport accident; and
(b) a claim for compensation by or on behalf of that person has not been made under that Part- the person may make a claim for …
Southwell is recuperating slowly, back at work part time, and looking to
get back on a bike in a couple of weeks. His back is still achey
though his ankle ligaments are healing fast.
Tony Stegmar is recuperating slowly, a broken little finger, with complications to his knee and shoulder.
John Rousseax to the Google Group: I had a stack a while
ago. Some idiot hit us (2 bikes) head-on whilst trying to do a Fangio into his street. Took three years
of re-hab before the TAC, and the Medical association
gave me the thumbs up. During that time, they paid up to 80% of my
full-time wage based on the last 5 years of tax returns, and had someone mow my
lawns and do the garden etc, and a nurse to come to my home after release to
dress wounds etc. The first 18 months of wages are paid from their pocket, and
subsequent payments, up to 3 years, are from your compensation payments in
lieu. They also paid all taxi fares to and from the re-hab
centre and all and any associated medical costs including psychologists, and
the re-establishments of your car and motorcycle licenses if removed due to
medical reasons. To continue to qualify to have my wages paid, I needed to
supply a doctor’s certificate every 3 months.
To qualify for a compensation
payment, the minimum impairment needed to be 30% total impairment, once you are
considered stable. They add 1% to the myriad of doctors
reports. There is a special book of measurements they use for things like
missing bits and limb mobility. Protractors and rulers are used. The
compensation payment is also based on a formulae based upon your last 5 years
average earnings coupled with the percentage of impairment and multiplied over
25 years. The legals, for me, were conducted by Maurice Cashman
Peter Feistl 15th Feb. writes: For those not familiar with Broadford, it only has ONE left hand turn and the bike succumbed to the “new tyre not scrubbed in” syndrome. I was midway through the second session on the new front/rear tyre set and had just passed a slower rider prior to the left hand corner, tipped the bike in and it just lost grip. Back in the pits you could see the very left side of the tyre still in new/oily condition.
I was a bit surprised the tyre was not wiped down/cleaned during tyre fitment and in retrospect should have turned the front wheel around after the first session. I was also unlucky in that the suspension was just tuned up by the experts after the first session on new tyres and I was getting a great feeling from the bike in that second session - enjoying the rhythm and the increase in corner speed.
Fortunately, the crash was a classic low-side and the bike landed on the oggy knob from about 6 inches and then slid up the hill on the bitumen and nearly came to a stop before the dirt.
As for me – nothing. Minor scratches on leather.
The bike didn’t start due to the fuel pump relay falling out and I was instructed by the marshal to push the bike back to the pits after that session (where is the f......g recovery vehicle?) On the way back to the pits, after having pushed the bike for about 200 metres cross country, I tried to bump start the bike and fell off damaging the right hand mirror mount, cracking the windscreen and the upper fairing and mild scratches to the right hand side of the bike.
Undeterred, and an hour later, the bike was back on the track and I finished the day off with a great scrap with Tim Emons. The next day Kurn and I did Winton which has THREE left and FOUR right handers to adequately scrub in both sides of the tyres. Six fast sessions and a great day had by all.
Back home and a quick search on eBay and I’m up for around $500 in parts to fix the ‘slide’ and about $600 to fix the ‘drop’ on the way back to the pits.
It was a good learning experience albeit expensive. The mistakes made were very minor and enough to dent the confidence and the ego. The ‘walk of shame’ back to the pits is not one to be done again!
Cost Analysis: accommodation, $100, fuel $100, two track days $300, new tyres $550, suspension set-up $74, food, drinks etc $80, repairs $1100, meeting Josh Brooks – priceless!
Rod Merrett Thanks for the best wishes guys. Don't breathe, sneeze or laugh Cindy, I've broken ribs myself (as well as the hand) and it ain’t fun. Take it easy for a while guys. Thanks again Misho and Pina. I had to threaten them with physical violence to rejoin the ride, but they wouldn’t leave until transport and pick up was organized. I should be back on the road again in 4 to 6 weeks. New bike is on its way! PS I loved the DVD. Great job Ben and Peter.