Who’s News June 2009
The Club web site at www.melbsportsbike.net.au accumulated 579 hits during June, roughly the same as last month. Winter is here. Total visits are 52,540 since April 1996. The counters on the other pages after another month indicate that the 2009 Calendar page took 494 hits (total 3536 since 28th October 2008) and Great Roads totals 146 hits (total 1386). All counters very similar to last month.
Seen at the Social Sip at Mark’s Place, Thursday 4th June: Ben and Julie Warden, Chris Pointon and Suzi Pollard, Kate Stewart and John Rousseaux, Trevor and Barb Rolfe Harris, Dave Ward and Bron Manifold, Dennis Lindemann, Ron Johnston, life member Les Leahy, Ian Payne, Renzo Cunico, Tony Stegmar, Mark Rigsby, Tim Emons, Peter Feistl, Ken Goederee and Ha Du. A remarkable 21 people given the very cold conditions. Note: the bill is per table. This keeps the price down. There is no point arguing the toss with the hired help. It is the policy. Always was. Likely always will be.
The Club Participant of the Year is based on aggregate points accumulated at 1 point per ride, an extra point for leading or being rear rider, and 1 point per magazine article (maximum 2 per magazine). Attending one or more days of a weekend event scores 3 points for leading, 3 for rear riding duties and 2 points for participating.
The count is for the 2008/9 year ending
June 30th for the 2009 AGM in July. Given we used to have the AGM in
May, this is a long 14 month “year”. The top ten final count
Cover: Taken at Thompson’s Dam,
Sunday 28th June. Back row; Cameron Stevens, Misho Zrakic, Pina Garasi, Cliff Peters, Tim Emons and Dennis
Lindemann. Front row: Paul Southwell,
Jared Wade, Martin Govett and Ron Johnston. Ben behind
the lens, Ha waiting for RACV back in Noojee, Tony Stegmar playing catchup,
Bridgeman celebrated his “21st” birthday last Sunday (28th)
night. He is going stir crazy waiting around at home for his busted hip to
mend. At least he has Foxtel to feed his addiction to watching the World
Superbikes and MotoGP bike racing.
Cliff Peters is back riding,
albeit gingerly, still sore from the crash with Paul back on Easter Sunday. A
couple of Saturday’s ago we celebrated his 50th surprise birthday
party in
Paul Southwell crashed on the Gembrook Road 25 minutes into the Noojee ride on Sunday 14th. The usual combination of rider error, dodgy road conditions, a sharp corner and an on-coming car, melded into a rather spectacular destruction of one 10,000 km old 2008 CBR1000. Paul walked away with a scratched knee and a little wiser, especially after enduring a knees-around-your ears pillion ride back to Fairfield on the back of the trusty 954 which gave him time to ponder the error of his ways. And he was still having trouble with fluid on his hip from the previous altercation with Cliff and his ZX10. A minor op to clean up the damage will see him back fighting fit in a few weeks, though he did return last week as rear rider. We wish him a speedy and full recovery and look forward to seeing what shade of black his next CBR will be.
Dave Ward emailed a few of us
a photo of his latest acquisition, an orange Z1000, upgrading Bron’s
Z750. The thou has better suspension components and …
more power! He rode it back to
Rob Langer is home serving out
a month’s suspension. He completed 9,000 km riding to
Reminder: Membership ceases as of 30th June and hence fees are now due. Deposit your $40 in to the Club coffers using the following details: BSB 803-143, account Number: 14304721 and Name: Melbourne Sportsbike Riders. Don’t forget to put your name in the appropriate field so that the Club can identify who paid. Send an electronic receipt to MSR.Treasurer@Gmail.com as confirmation.
Club Financial
Statement in a nutshell:
Opening Balance $3110
Closing Balance $3885
Towong Weekend profit $Nil
Jindabyne Trip – profit $97
Memberships – Financial 73
Memberships – Life 5
Total Members: 78