Loch – Sunday 28th  September, 2008


Eleven gentlemen and one lady set off for the day’s ride to Loch… weather well-behaved, as are all the riders… well, at least it appears so to me.  As long as we don’t lose anyone, or have a crash and have the usual quota of mono’s, then all is good.


A touch of nostalgia always gets me when we land in Loch as this is where I had my first sighting of the MSR riders and Loch has always remained a powerful image in my head… I never imagined that one day I would be enveloped in this force.


Always an unexpected joy to catch a view of the beautiful ocean, as we did today, riding through Wonthaggi, the desire to keep looking always reminds me of Homer’s ancient Greek myth of  Ulysses sea voyage where destruction awaits any seaman charmed by the exquisite sight and sounds of the sirens… (Focus on the road, woman).


Lunch at Korumburra is the usual bakery food and blah-blah time. Then off again for a bit more fun with il presidente’s choice of roads to keep us satisfied… actually… now that I think of it, I can see each ride has a distinctive flavour depending on who is leading it:


Loch 28th Sep              - Ian      -  smooth, rhythmical, uplifting

Linton 21 Sep                         - Geoff -  fast, rough, bumpy

Reefton 14 Sep           - Dave  -  exciting, dangerous, challenging

Eildon 7 Sep               - Ben    -  speedy, adventurous, cutting precision


Now gentlemen, not sure what this choice of roads reveals about you… but very grateful for spicing up our riding life so nicely with such diversity.


Pina Garasi