Casual / Pillion Ride Saturday
19th January 2008
Breht Emmerson (Leader) |
Suzuki GSXR600 |
Jean Eldridge |
Suzuki Bandit 250 |
Misho Zrakic & Pina Garasi |
Suzuki GSXR750 |
Rob Zivanovic (1st ride) |
Honda CBR600 |
Suzuki GSXR750 |
Simon Trubiano |
Honda CBR929 |
Mark Rigsby (Rear) |
Suzuki GSXR1000 |
Stoimen & Vittoria Sojanov |
Yamaha R1 |
9 bikes, 13 people |
The concept of the Club’s recently introduced ‘Casual / Pillion Ride’ was intended to be far less stringent than the hard-core Sundays. The Saturday ride is designed to be fun with an emphasis on socialising. This weekend was my opportunity to experience this first-hand as I rode both days and had a blast doing both!
Let’s start with the Casual Saturday. Whilst it was never my intention to do the Pillion Ride (due to lack of willing participant), the day was otherwise well-planned, to do tyre changes, put red bling on the wheels of the GSXR-750, wash and polish my bikes and cars and other neglected domestic duties.
Late in the week comes the call from Jean – there’s a damsel in distress. Ben has opted for quality time with Fiona during Saturday, so there is a pillion left stranded! Being the true gentleman (well in my own mind at least) I offered the services of my chariot by way of the sporty and compact GSXR750. The ‘pillion preferred’ Honda Blackbird with 1100cc’s of grunt, armchair comfort suspension and extra large seat was making a loud and annoying gearbox bearing noise, so the bike was with Ben Turner for some needed attention.
Now my 16 year old daughter who has once tested the pillion seat of the GSXR750, subsequently pointed out that the pillion option was very uncomfortable and less than desirable. I should not take out a new women on the back of that bike. (I wasn’t sure where her emphasis was on this point : the bike, taking out, new woman or all of the above)
Anyway, Saturday morning and I arrived at Jean’s place to meet Paul who is taking Clare (Jean’s wife), Sharon that is my pillion for the day and several other people who intended on joining us for the ride but were foiled by hangovers and other reasons. In total, four bikes and seven people set out for the day, some only venturing as far the departure point.
The trip from Ferntree Gully to Yarra Glen was straight forward and we arrived with time to spare. At the servo, Misho, Pina and Rob (Misho’s mate) are there and the conversation flows instantly. Pina is her usual bubbly self, Misho has the naughty boy look on his face and tells of an encounter with a radar and motorbike cop en-rout to this starting point.
All riders soon assemble outside the café, the casualness responsible for social chats, the girls mixing it with the boys and the smokers getting an extra cigarette before the transition to the next stop. Light rain starts to fall and delays our departure, giving the local motorbike policeman cruising past an opportunity to get amongst us. As the senior club representative, I pointed out that today is a pillion ride and with wives or girlfriends aboard, there is no chance of speeding or law breaking. The policemen still checked our licenses, registrations and offered a few sage words of advice... I did forget to ask Misho if he was at all concerned when the policeman stopped for a chat!
Anyway, some ride info here - Brett as ride leader - Mark Rigsby rear rider – first stop Marysville via wet roads.
This was a slow trip marred by
solid rain. I knew I should have worn the wet weather gear at the outset – me
the jacket –
After much discussion and rain
continuing to fall, we saddled up and rode to Eildon for fuel and a view of the
dam wall and lack of water in the lake, (most of it being on the roads). During
the fuel stop, Pina was keen to get
“Inland” was the cry, though
Eildon is probably as inland as Yea, but that was our lunch rendezvous point.
The roads remained sufficiently wet to finally dampen the enthusiasm of Breht,
With our ride leader and sweeper (more apt name than rear rider) abandoning us, it was up to yours truly to lead the way to Yarra Glen via the Murrindindi loop. Momentary dry roads and high speed thrills were to be found much to the delight of the girls on pillion duty.
A quick stop before Yarra Glen
(Misho: the junction of the
Whilst the girls all had a good time, they tended to congregate together and speak of whatever girls talk about. That meant the boys had to gather and talk of whatever boys talk about! Girls I presume, or motorbikes?
Upon reflection, the day had - not much riding, too much rain, plenty of fun, minimal tyre wear and a reminder of how pleasant it is to introduce somebody new to the thrills and enjoyment of the riding experience our club members love so much.
(Jean told me on Sunday’s ride
that motorbike riding is
Also thanks to all those who
attended – Tony, Breht, Rob, Paul,
By way of contrast, See Day 2 Dargo – Hard Core
Peter Feistl