October Who’s News  2003


The MTCV Home Page took 397 hits during October and has taken 17,826 since April 1996. We continue to generate new members via the web. Our ads in the bike magazines are also doing well.


The Club, responding to members’ demand, has advertised the Superbike School Phillip Island Ride Day, November 24th, as suitable for members who wish to ride in the company of other members. Cost $149. Ring Mandy or Sue on 9792-1322 to reserve a place. Already 8 members have signed up. Be quick.


Seen at the October Social Sip: Will Tran, Ben, Julie and Fiona Warden, Wayne and Joanne Nimmo, Martin Hastie, Tim and Carmen de Bono, Ron Johnston, Dave Moore, Liz Oliver and Pete Weyermayr, Paul Southwell, Di Welsford, Ray Walker, Ian Payne, Greg Hales, Bruce Saville, Danny Kosinski, Jon Riddett, Rob Matricciani. 22 people


A copy of a letter sent to Geoff Jones re Ballan Hill Climb:


Dear Geoff, It is with sad regret that the Committee has decided not to endorse future Mt Wallace Hill Climb events due to safety and legal issues.


The Club appreciates your family's generosity of time and your personal commitment to the event and will forever be in your debt. For the past eight years, the time trial has been one of the most talked about and eagerly anticipated events on the Club calendar. And each year it has been run that little bit more professionally and is now finely honed into a well-oiled, smooth running event requiring little or no input from the Committee.


Of course, Val's cakes and hot drinks have played a significant role in the success of the events. Please pass on our thanks to her and to Ben, Melissa and Andrew, without whose participation and enthusiasm the event would not have worked. As a token of our esteem, we plan to present the annual shield to you at the next AGM. I hope you can find time to attend.


Yours sincerely, Ben Warden (for the Committee), Secretary MSTCV


So, we are looking for new activities for the next itinerary. Any ideas welcome. For instance, if you are a member of other bike or car club, or any club, and see something relevant, please let us know.


Winton Raceway is open every Friday to the public - no licenses are required. The track is shared between car and bikes in half hour blocks, depending if there are enough bikes. The gates open at 8am and practice begins at 10am till 4.30pm. Cost: $90.  If you would like more details, contact Dave Ward on 0413-624-598, or just turn up!


Liz Oliver has changed her email address. The new one is lizoliver@ihug.com.au  Her Optus email address no longer works. Update your address books.


Email from Barb Peters, received 23rd October, 2003.  Hi Ben, Cliffy would like to say: “That after 25 years of various model Kwaka's, I have officially become a member of the GSXR Club, 1000cc of course!  Lovely!   Am feeling a bit like a traitor at the moment… Can’t wait for the camp at Porepunkah.  Cliff (aka Kermit)”


Walwa via Orbost, Australia Day Weekend January 24th – 26th, 2004

At this stage I am looking for an indication of numbers. The Walwa Resort is proving very popular and almost impossible to book. It is booked out for Australia Day and next year’s Melbourne Cup Weekend. Another option is stay in Corryong which offers a broader selection of accommodation. Stay tuned.



Police escort not so fine (Source: Herald Sun 29th October,  2003)


Hidden Speed cameras booked 98 motorcyclists being escorted by police to the Australian Grand Prix at Phillip Island. The State Government reaped at least  $12,000 from the riders on October the 18th.


Up to 7000 motorcyclists passed the camera in an pilgrimage to the Island organised by police, councils and the motorcycle Riders Association. Set up for just two hours, the camera raised at least $100 a minute from the motorcyclists. Outraged riders accused the police of revenue raising. They vowed to fight the fines in court.


“It was like duck hunting season,” said Roy Johnstone, who was fined $125 for doing 104 km/ in a 100 km/h zone. “The police escorts lead us into the net and set up a camera to collect money from us.”  Mr Johnstone, 45, said a camera hidden by a bush on the Bass Highway, between Jetty Lane and the South Gippsland Highway Bridge, snapped him and a friend. But the father of two maintains they were driving safely at a speed set by the police escorts. “We were travelling under police escort from Cranbourne, like we do each year,” he said.  “ But the police had set up a speed camera on a 4 km straight stretch of road. It was just ridiculous.”


MRA president, Alex Money, urged all bikers to fight the speeding fines. “I think there is a very good case for them to take the matter to court en-masse,” he said. Angry bikers had contacted him after receiving speeding fines in the mail. “If the camera was there for the sole purpose of getting motorcyclists, it is a sad indictment of the justice system,” he said. “It shows it is just revenue raising.” But the police said the camera was not set up for the event. “The reason there was a speed camera was because the area is a black spot,” said Dandenong Traffic Inspector, Tony de Ridder. “It was not linked to the event.” Insp. de Ridder also said he was disappointed at the bikers caught by the camera. “We are shocked at the number of people who speed, even when escorted by police,” he said. In a letter to the Herald Sun last week, a group of sergeants claimed that speed cameras were being used as blatant revenue raisers.


 The Points System. The Club Participant of the Year is based on aggregate points accumulated at 1 point per ride, an extra point for leading or being rear rider, and 1 point per magazine article (maximum 2 per magazine). It runs till the May AGM. We are already six months into the 2004 points and at the end of October the top ten points scorers are: Ben Warden (42), Pete Weyermayr (24), Ian Payne (21), Rob Langer (21), Paul Southwell (19), Kate Stewart (18.5), Liz Oliver (18), Greg Hales (17), Ron Johnston (16), and Mario Ibeas (15.5).



Xmas Camp, Mt Buffalo Caravan Park, Porepunkah,

Friday 26th December to Thursday 1st January 2002


Christmas is all but on us and it is time to make bookings at our favourite Xmas Camp destination, Mt Buffalo Caravan Park. Situated on the fork of two rivers it offers a fantastic range of activities including swimming, fishing and bush walking. Close by is the Smoko Fish Hatchery, various berry farms and an Alpaca Ranch. Great road and dirt riding country abounds. Mt Buffalo offers a sensational 25 km climb to the scenic Chalet and lookout. Nearby are good half-day rides to Falls Creek, Mt Hotham and Dartmouth Dam or full day rides into the Snowy Mountains and some of the best roads in the world. Who can forget Tawonga Gap? On the flip side there are lots of fire trails and mountain tracks offering spectacular views of the surrounding alps, most of which can only be reached by 4WD or dirt bike. So, bring your road and dirt bikes, the missus and kids, and the 4WD. Supermarket shopping is available at Bright, 6 km away.


The Club has secured three unpowered sites. Last year a few couples rented log cabins for the week, another good option. Our hosts from previous years, Craig and Kelly, are still there, and are still in negotiation to sell the park. Ring Kelly on 03-5756-2235 to secure a cabin or powered site. Otherwise tell Ian Payne of your intention to camp with the group. Do it now. And organise your annual leave. At least 6 people have already booked!