Thursday 1st
Open Meeting: 8.37pm
Present: 18 members and friends in attendance.
Visitors Nil
Apologies: Wayne Grant
Secretary Report: Contents of PO Box sorted & relevant items read by Ben : -
- "Motorcyclist" Magazine & Triumph News
Treasurers Report: Due to resignation of Darryn no reported tendered.
Captains Report Past rides previewed by Ben Warden.
Forthcoming rides previewed by Ian Payne.
General Business:
- The new April to May itinerary is available, please take one.
- Although printed in newsletter, there will be NO guest speaker at tonights meeting! This is due to it being Easter eve and a small number of members were envisaged.
- Ian informed members of the death of Ray Toulson. Details appear in the newsletter regarding Rays association with the MTCV.
- The next meeting (MAY) is the Annual General Meeting in which committee elections are held. Members are asked to consider standing for a position.
- Those considering going to the World Superbikes at Phillip Island, a house has been booked at Cowes from Friday to Monday with some beds still available. Details from Enzo or Ian Payne.
- BMW Icicle ride to be held on Saturday 10th of July. Starts midnight at Doveton Mobil Servo (48 Princess Hwy).
- Les Leahy asked had the committee considered the impact of City Link on KBCP as a ride starting point. Discussions followed on finding an alternative (ie. RTA, Boulevard, large servo etc) or just having the second pickups! It was conceded that they should be closer to the CBD as newcomers could become lost just finding them. Committee will discuss.
- ZX7 Kawasaki for sale at $12500. Details from Ben Warden.
Guest Speaker: None.
Door Prize: 1st ?, 2nd ?, 3rd ? No door prize as President forgot to buy
Close Meeting: 9.12pm