July 99 General Meeting Minutes
Thursday 1st
Open Meeting: 8.30 pm
Present: 30 members and friends in attendance.
Visitors Ian welcomed visitors: - Andre ?, Rod Sharp, Len Rhodes (AMTRA), Eddie ? Plus ex-members Stewart Foster & Mark Dennis.
Apologies: Wayne Grant
Secretary Report: Contents of PO Box sorted & relevant items read by Ben: -
MRAA Kosavo Ride and Newsletter, AOMC Ride and Survive Day & Triumph Club Newsletter.
Treasurers Report: Due to Waynes absence no report given.
Captains Report Past and forthcoming rides previewed by Theo Kalkandis and Ian Payne.
General Business: Subscriptions are due tonight; renewal form is in magazine.
Please fill in the Survey: include your E-mail address, as there is a possibility of receiving your newsletter electronically!
Door Prize: 1st Paul Tallents, 2nd Darren Morcomb, 3rd Peter Philferan.
Guest Speaker: Rod Sharp
Rod gave a very informative talk on all things suspension. Then over a coffee gave individuals some more pertinent info regarding their bike/riding style.
Close Meeting: 10 ish